Wednesday, July 25, 2018

New Blog, New Me

This is not my first blog.

This is not my first attempt at being a New Me.

There is nothing wrong with the Old Me. Well.  That may not be true.

Shortly after the birth of my youngest child, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  It was a lengthly process to get to that diagnosis, and I had been suffering for years before that child, that I had basically attributed to the stresses of motherhood to young children.

I've tried many diets, many fads (oh, Weight Watchers, Raw, Vegan, Trim Healthy Mama, you name it, I've tried it).  What many of these failed to address was my mindset around food, my need for food and the downward spiral of constant pain, overwhelming exhaustion, feeling inadequate, constant depression, eating because I was depressed, and then, getting overweight.  Clinically obese.  But not really obese in the standard sense.  No medical issues attributed to weight, normally.

A little over two months ago, I embarked on a journey that I thought FOR SURE, I would fail.  Because I always fail.  I always get too tired, too grumpy, too much pain, or a migraine hits.  I fail because I feel alone and don't think I'm worth the effort.  Which is, of course, at it's core, VERY FALSE!

Two years ago, someone mentioned Whole30 to me.  She and her family were going to attempt it, and they did it.  Then another friend did it.  Then another, and soon I was surrounded by friends who did Whole30 and touted it's amazingness.  I bought the book.  I read the book.  I put it on the shelf an totally forgot about it.  NO CHEESE?  NO WAY!  I was not going to set myself up for failure like that.  Life without Cheese.  I knew I could not do it.  I scoffed every time someone mentioned it to me.

Fast forward to this year.  I just was at my wit's end.  Almost the heaviest as I'd been for most of my adult life (except for Pregnant Me), in constant pain, severely exhausted, mentally and physically drained of everything.  I picked up the book again.  I decided that maybe I COULD do it.  For just 30 days, or just 15 days, or just 1 day.  I started talking about it with my husband, and my youngest daughter (now 13) chimes in "I'll do it, too!".  Everyone in the house did it except for the teenage boy who just can't fathom life without pizza (I hear ya, kid!  I hear ya!).

I planned, and planned.  We set a start date.  It started the day after our 23rd wedding anniversary, and ended before the 4th of July.  My youngest said that July 4th was our FREEDOM DAY!  We all laughed at the thought.  I didn't think I could do it.  But I did.

30 Days flew by.  I lost 14 lbs. Who knows how many inches.  And I gained some energy.  I'm not trying to tell you I'm healed.  But what I learned, I have applied.  And I'm still losing eight (though, even as I'm overweight, that is NOT my goal.  My goal is health, and the best life I can live in this body which does not like me very much.

On August 1st, I'll be starting another round.  Round 2.  I'm starting this blog for a couple reasons.  First, to keep me motivated, I've heard that Round 2 is actually even harder than Round 1.  And Second, to share with you that if I can do it, YOU can do it.

It's only 30 Days.

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